Meeting the challenges of oxygen reduction systems (ORS)
ORS operate by lowering the oxygen content in the air to prevent a fire from igniting and spreading within an enclosed area. This means that unregulated air flow, humidity, pressure, and room temperature can all increase fire risk. In turn, this jeopardizes safety of machinery, products and equipment.

Because this high-speed door is airtight, it forms an essential component that meets and exceeds the stringent requirements of ORS, completely sealing off oxygen-reduced areas, reducing air exchange to a minimum.

    • Torbreite min/max: 500 / 2.200 mm
    • Torhöhe min/max: 500/2800 mm
    • Öffnungs-/Schliessgeschwindigkeit: bis zu 2,3/0,5 m/s
    • Widerstand gegen Windlast, EN12424 – Klasse 1
    • Luftdurchlässigkeit, EN-12426 - Überdruck Klasse 3, Unterdruck Klasse 2
    • Sichtfenster oder transparenter Sichtstreifen (optional)
    • Seitenteile, Trommel und Lager in Edelstahl (optional)
    • Erweiterter Schaumstoffvorhang (optional)
    • Edelstahl 304/Sechskantschrauben für einfache Reinigung