When we talk about energy-saving automatic doors, we generally mean greater control of air flow. The greater control you have over how much hot or cold air flows from inside to outside your building, the more efficient your entrances are, and the greater your savings will be.
Manual doors require manual action by users. Whatever building they are in, from retail to industrial, they have to be pushed or pulled shut after every use (unless they have spring closes). The trouble with this is that too often they are not closed, either due to inability on the part of the person passing through or just because people don’t consider closing a door behind them important.
Doors left open can mean a steady exchange of air, loss of hot or cold air, and the inconvenience of drafts – all of which effect user comfort and have a direct impact on the energy efficiency of your entrance.
Automated doors, however, are designed to keep close control over airflow and energy loss. In the case of sliding and swing doors and industrial doors including overhead sectional doors and high-performance doors, smart sensors ensure they will only open when someone needs to pass through, and close quickly after them. Revolving doors are, in their very nature energy efficient as they are ‘always closed’.
Many automated doors can also be specified to come with additional insulation (via insulated panels or double glazing) and tight seals to reduce energy passing through. And fast opening and closing cycles reduce the amount of time energy has to escape.
So if it’s energy efficiency you’re looking for we recommend automated doors. And where available, take a look at a door’s EPD ( environmental product declaration) to see just how efficient it is.