Revolving or sliding doors – what's best for your building?

revolving doorrevolving door

When it comes to choosing the right automatic door solution for your building, there are a few simple points to consider before you buy. Here’s a brief comparison and summary of what you need to know to make an informed decision.

Function, location, and placement

The first factor to bring into the equation is the function of the building. What is the building used for, and of course, who will use it? The location and placement of the building and entrances also plays an important role, as an exposed coastal location or a sheltered position in the woods will affect the wind load on the doors, and influence access control. And your budget and safety concerns will shape your choice.

Looking for control and flexibility?

Revolving doors are ideal for hotels, office buildings, large convenience stores, municipal buildings, and high-ceilinged spaces, like cinemas and theaters. They look impressive and are ideal for climate, draft and noise control. A revolving door is also a great choice for customer flow management, as they are designed for one person at a time to enter or exit, and they are also very effective at keeping unwanted guests out, such as insects and mice. 

The all-environment sliding door

For smaller entrances, automatic sliding doors are often the best solution, particularly if height is limited. Quiet and reliable, automatic sliding doors are perfect if you are looking for quick, unhindered access for your entrance. Automatic sliding doors are also an effective emergency route, as the width of the door opening often allows more people to pass through in a given period of time than smaller revolving doors. To meet fire safety building regulations, sliding doors can be installed to supplement a revolving door. 

For more information about automatic doors, learn more at