Sustainability and overhead doors

Overhead doors can make a tremendous contribution to a building’s sustainability. The type of overhead door that is most suitable for achieving a sustainable effect depends on the user situation.

Four important considerations

When choosing an overhead door, ask yourself the below questions.

Does the door need to be insulated?

Most overhead doors are installed in the outer shell of a building and are insulated. If the building is equipped with cooling or heating, overhead doors with extra insulation are the perfect solution. This type of door features highly insulated sandwich panels for better thermal separation.

Is manual or electrical operation required?

Either manual or electrical operation can be chosen depending on how the door will be used. The most important criteria for this are door size and frequency of use. For example, if the door is very large, an electric operation is clearly the preferred option. The same applies to a door that is opened and closed very frequently.

Is automation required?

With the manual or electrical operation, it is important that users open and closes the door consistently to prevent a loss of energy, but also to prevent, for instance, unwanted guests from entering the building. If there is a risk of the overhead door being left open unintentionally, automation is a better choice.

How important is the speed of the door?

An overhead door that is opened and closed frequently reduces the insulation value of the door. In this case, a fast-operating overhead door is more appropriate. We offer overhead doors with an opening and closing speed of one meter per second – four times faster than a standard overhead door. Not only does this help prevent energy loss but is also useful if production processes and the flow of goods in the building are to be kept to a minimum.

Check out our overhead doors here