Why it is important to make a good first impression

Why it is important to make a good first impressionWhy it is important to make a good first impression

When we walk down a high street or through a shopping mall, we are attracted to the shops that have a great window display, the grocery store with delicious looking vegetables and the store with an inviting entrance. The aesthetics matter. Often this means stores opt for manual entrances, believing them to be more adaptable to their image. But manual doors require effort and commitment from your customer. An automatic door effortlessly welcomes them inside – and they can be tailored to suit your store just as well.

A good impression

When a customer approaches a store, the doors are one of the first things they will see and the first thing they will connect with. The design and aesthetic of a store is one of the most important things when encouraging customers inside, so it is vital that stores choose automatic entrances which suit their business. For instance, sleek, sophisticated slim frame sliding doors stores are well suited to stores which sell luxury goods, such as jewellery and watches. While all-glass sliding doors look great for a fashion store in a shopping mall.

Made to measure

A door is not just a door. A door can be made to meet a store’s specific requirements. Color and finish can be selected to suit a store’s facade, from matt black that matches the window frames of a furniture store to a brass finish for a sophisticated revolving door at a department store entrance. Size (within reason) is also unrestricted, to suit everything from smaller fashion and specialist stores to the much wider needs of large hypermarkets and malls.

Whatever type of store you work in, it is important to consider the impact your entrances will have on your customers – because first impressions last.


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