Why should you service your dock leveler?

dock levelerdock leveler

Service is key so you can get the most out of your dock leveler and ensure safe processes at all times.

Regular visits from expert service technicians ensure that your dock leveler continues to deliver reliable and high-quality performance throughout its lifecycle. And you can be confident that it is operating safely and efficiently.

Particular components need regular checks which only a service agreement can guarantee, such as the hose rupture protection for the hydraulics. Failure of this, or any other part, puts the safety of the loading and unloading process at risk. If its not operating correctly the likelihood of damage to goods or equipment and even of injury to personnel increases dramatically. But with a service agreement in place, the hose rupture protectors would be checked and replaced before any issues occur.

Prolong the lifespan of your dock leveler

A service agreement that includes modernization will help prolong the lifespan of your dock leveler. Modernization updates your dock leveler with new features and parts to ensure it continues to meet the needs of your building and the requirements of regulations. 

And in the event that your dock leveler does need repairing, with a service agreement in place you are guaranteed a quick and efficient service visit – minimizing downtime and any impact on your business’ profits.