4 results

  • ASSA ABLOY RP2000 Machine Protection Door

    Machine protection high speed doors are safety doors with a fast opening-and closing-cycle.

    ASSA ABLOY RP300 Machine Protection Door

    Increase flow and productivity for automated processes and production lines.

    ASSA ABLOY RP150 High-speed door for oxygen reduction systems

    High-speed doors for Oxygen Reduction Systems.

    ASSA ABLOY RP400 Machine Protection Door

    Our most advanced machine protection door.
Showing 4 of 4

Machine protection doors safeguard personnel and increase productivity

Machine safety doors can be found in many areas of industrial production, where they are required to meet strict security requirements. While their primary purpose is to protect staff from accidents and injuries during the production process, they can also ensure trouble-free, reliable production.

Machine protection door controls are often integrated into the process that occurs behind the door. This ensures that robots cannot start unintentionally. When the machine protection door is closed, the robots stationed behind it can weld or cut, but when the door is open, the activity is automatically stopped. This not only protects workers from accidents and injuries, but also ensures that processes run smoothly and safely while preventing damage.

ASSA ABLOY Machine Protection Door acts as a guard in front of the robotic armASSA ABLOY Machine Protection Door acts as a guard in front of the robotic arm

Increase process reliability and effective work processes

Productivity and occupational safety must be considered in process flows. Due to the development of force and speed of modern machines, both the risk of accidents and the requirement for appropriate protective measures, such as machine safety doors, have increased. Supported by complex guidelines and standards, employers bear a high level of responsibility, so the risk must always be minimised.

For this reason, in certain areas of production, it can be necessary to separate processes from one another - machine safety doors from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems are ideal for this application. They are efficient, protect both people and machines and belong to the category of high-speed doors. By law, certain machines, such as lasers, must be isolated from employees using certain protective measures during operation, in order to avoid accidents. If production is seamless and the safety of employees is guaranteed, this increases productivity enormously. Studies confirm that companies with a clear security process are demonstrably more successful on the market. They are able to manufacture without incidents, reduce absenteeism and increase employee motivation through a safe working atmosphere.

ASSA ABLOY Machine Protection High Speed Doors in welding bay applicationASSA ABLOY Machine Protection High Speed Doors in welding bay application

A safe work environment with ASSA ABLOY machine protection doors

We offer three high-quality high-speed doors for machine protection. All three models are impressive, with extremely short downtimes, little space requirement, high reliability and easy accessibility, for example for operating or maintaining the machine safety doors. Thanks to high level safety functions and modern control systems, all models comply with the EN ISO 13849-1 (PL e/Cat. 4) and EN 62061 (SIL 3) standards.

Since the requirements for machine safety doors are different in every production facility, there is no standard door that fits all applications. If the company works with laser technology, the ASSA ABLOY RP 2000 machine protection door, for example, is perfect. Thanks to the aluminium slats, it is very robust and the perfect protection against laser beams. It also protects the machine from external damage.

The ASSA ABLOY RR3000 machine protection door is ideal for particularly large laser or automatic welding systems. The overlapping double-walled slats provide employees with excellent protection against laser radiation. This special door was also tested according to the DIN EN 60825-5 standard.

With the ASSA ABLOY RP300 machine protection door, you can choose between different flexible curtains, even with viewing windows to monitor work processes. The custom-made ASSA ABLOY RP300 USD (UpSideDown) is perfect for hanging work parts as it can be closed from bottom to top.

High-quality machine protection doors from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems enable controlled adjustment of the production processes. Robots and other fully automatic machines can be accelerated in a targeted manner and occupational safety can be improved at the same time.

Machine protection doors - safety and efficiency in production

Effective and safe production processes are the key to successful manufacturing processes. This is particularly true if the manufacturing process involves a high level of risk. In order to ensure the safety of employees in the vicinity of potentially dangerous welding machines, a number of preventative measures must be taken around the welding cells.

Machine protection doors make it possible to meet the highest safety requirements while at the same time reducing production interruptions and space requirements to a minimum, which makes this innovative safety solution the method of choice.

RP300 machine protection door used in car manufacturing production lineRP300 machine protection door used in car manufacturing production line

Machine protection doors in material processing and automation

The requirements for machine safety doors and purposes vary depending on the manufacturing company. Especially useful in material handling, the main areas of application are:

  • Palletising systems
  • Packaging machines
  • Pallet jack
  • Automate pallet stations
  • End-of-line automation
  • Automated warehouses

Integrating machine protection doors into processing and packaging processes

Machin protection doors protect workers from avoidable injuries. They safeguard operators near automated machines or in automated processing and packaging processes from unexpected falls or dangers from flying objects.

The RP300 is classified as a fall protection device that meets the following standards:

  • EN ISO 14120:2015: Safety of machinery - guards - General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
  • EN ISO 14119:2015 - Safety of machinery - Interlockingdevices associated with guards - Principles for design and selection

Integrating machine protection door ASSA ABLOY RP300 into automatic conveyor belt system

Machine safety doors guarantee safety, reliability and efficiency in automated processing and packaging processes. The doors can be integrated into a conveyor belt system to regulate different levels. Machine safety doors can be integrated as a protective barrier in the material flow in automation processes. Special versions of conveyor belt transport systems are available to meet the specific requirements of each industry.

ASSA ABLOY machine protection doors RP300 - integrated into an elevator for material transport

Machine protection doors improve safety and efficiency in the automated material processing process. Doors for material transport guarantee the safety, reliability and efficiency of automated production processes, such as elevators. These doors are integrated into the material flow process as a protective barrier.