Save energy and cost with smart loading bay solutions

Save energy and cost with smart loading bay solutionsSave energy and cost with smart loading bay solutions

With energy prices expected to rise, there is every reason to make certain that you save as much energy as possible. Sustainability is the word on everyone’s lips and there are lots of things you can do that contribute to decreasing energy consumption.

Energy savings in the docking bay

With doors and curtains opening and closing throughout the day, there are a lot of savings to be had in the docking bay. However, achieving them isn’t only a matter of choosing the right door and curtain types.

You also need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Added solutions, such as sensors, traffic lights and remote monitoring systems, can make a significant difference to energy consumption. By ensuring that your docking bays are used in the most efficient way, they add to the savings that can be managed through door materials and seals.

Loading bay maintenance

Be sure to protect the flow of goods by performing regular maintenance on your systems. Proper maintenance is not only one of the most cost-effective ways to keep goods moving, it’s also a smart way of retaining good energy performance. Peace of mind and energy efficiency can both be secured through planned maintenance and modernization programs.

Download the perfect docking solution checklist to find out more!